WTFR The Pushback 12-06-2024

8 months ago

Ooh, it's another Pushback show, which means another week has flown by barely noticed, because it's the same old same old in clownworld. I wonder how many people (those who think like us anyway) would even notice if WW3 started? It's all fake, there are no legitimate wars, & no legitimate shortages, or scarcity of any kind - except honest politicians of course; there's a scarcity of those.

Anyway, Joss once again hosts a roundtable discussion round a rectangular table, with the knights who say "not on your Nellie mate!"

Colin was on form being his usual buzzing self (high on nature), Leo was also on form with his dry wit & obvious statements which are extremely obvious to you & to me, & probably to about 90 percent of the world, but for some reason are not obvious to the very people the majority vote for in the hope that they will fix obvious problems.

Then there was Chris #2, who was at least as on form as Colin & Leo, who is the go-to guy if you want anything dodgy printing (subversive poster for example), & finally Emma (the star lady), who informed all ears about heavenly bodies & how they will affect us this coming week, no matter how modestly they may be attired.

Alas, it was another one of those shows where video streaming software wasn't working, so anyone watching this is watching it for the first time, as there was no live video show. Enjoy ;)

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