LUFFY GEAR 5: Brook Should've Been The KEY! | Nika Awakening | One Piece | Drums of Liberation Music

8 months ago

Luffy losing his life to induce the Gear Five powerup created some problems around the community, calling out the overused cliche in the industry and even though I don't think the whole transformation and power should've been called out, that small part where he passes away does have a point to be discussed against it.

Originally I didn't meddle, but when a cool idea came to my mind about how it could have gone instead, I felt the need to talk about it!

Luffy has always wanted a musician, and when we got Brook, we got a heavy hitter with the whole Bink's Sake undertone, however, I enjoyed imagining how I could tie the Drums of Liberation to that character role and devil fruit... I wish that were the official version of what happened in Wano Kingdom.

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#anime #manga #onepiece #luffy #brook #oda #eiichirooda #wano #wanokuniarc #drumsofliberation #awakening #devilfruit #binkssake

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