Te seguiré ~ Catherine Gairard | Ep. 162

8 months ago

Hey, fellow lushes! Our guest on this episode, Catherine Gairard, is a multi-talented artist and musician. Her unique blend of half-French and half-Peruvian heritage infuses every aspect of her work. As an independent singer, harpist, and movie soundtrack composer, she's crafted emotive soundscapes for both the screen and the heart. Oh, and she has an OnlyFans you should definitely check out! It was a real pleasure talking with Catherine. Enjoy!

Check out Catherine -
Website: https://catherinegairardmusic.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catherinegairard/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CatherineGairar
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdwJUZ6DIvFdw09_O_2RXBg

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