RV Project 8200 (4 Videos) by The Monroe Institute

7 months ago

*Loaded in Chronological Order

Publication date 1982
Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Topics The Monroe Institute, Project 8200, STAR GATE, CIA, Pat Price, UFOs, Remote Viewing

Project 8200 was a remote-viewing effort conducted in 1982 and 1983 that attempted to corroborate information provided by Pat Price a decade earlier. Pat was “discovered” by SRI International in the early days of STAR GATE, a US government sponsored remote viewing research and intelligence-collecting program. Eventually, Pat was recruited by the CIA and provided them with surprisingly accurate intelligence information until his reported death in 1975.

In 1973, prior to going to work for the CIA, Pat Price provided a lengthy unsolicited report regarding what he believed to be underground UFO bases. Project 8200 used the next generation of STAR GATE remote viewers in an attempt to verify or refute the information provided by Pat.

The results of project 8200 were never officially reported to higher authorities but some of the information has been available in public domain conferences, articles, and through the Internet. This recording is a complete, unedited, never-before-released soundtrack of a project 8200 remote viewing session using a modified operational protocol

*vids loaded in reverse order so start with last vid


RV Project 8200 (1982-07-27) (17:59)

RV Project 8200 (1982-07-28) (18:47)

RV Project 8200 (1982-08-03) (32:47)

RV Project 8200 (1982-08-10) (14:17)

Addeddate 2020-05-08 17:34:07
Color color
Identifier rv-project-8200
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
Sound sound
Year 1982


🎧 https://t.me/Justinabubbles

😮💩 Weird Shit

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