A HISTORY OF CENTRAL BANKING by Stephen Mitford Goodson

7 months ago

The TRUE meaning for every war! They fund each side, prokove them through their Zionist owned media press and then justify means to FINISH the war looking like the hero to all BUT the people they have invaded and genocided. They wear the sheep mask in public and behind closed doors are the wolves. They label everyone else terrorists when they are the only ones committing acts of terror against a people simply trying to exist!! KNOW the difference between Judaism and Zionism! True hebrews who follow the Torah are drawing the line in the sand for themselves and separating themselves from the Zionists and state of Israel. Many hebrews themselves don’t agree with what they’re doing and have done to the world thus far! Nobody woke up yesterday deciding to dislike them or be angry, the anger and hatred has been fueled by TOO MANY unjustly wars and murdering of children! History is ALWAYS written not only by the victors, but by the people who own the press media making it VERY easy to demonize a people and vilify ANYONES character to be whoever they want them to be! They use language barriers to put words in the mouths of other world leaders to get the world on their side and convince them they’re doing what it right. But I can assure you, the truth fears no investigation and no matter how many times you look into these topics, it ALWAYS leads back to the same inevitable conclusion. The darkness that has been done for centuries is coming to light and the people are atleast becoming aware of the TRUE history, one in which we were NEVER taught or told for obvious reason. The more you discover on your own, the more is makes sense that Hitler in particular HAD to be deemed the most evil and monstrous man of history!! He was the only person and country that gave the people, the working class, the lower class a voice and called out the Zionist agenda and corruption at its core!!! When a people submits and agrees to be plundered, then they are good. But when an authoritarian state declares you will not murder, cheat, or lie to our people anymore, then it is bad.

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