Jet stream! Cold front coming in! "Follow the Yellow brick road" under water tracks!Alantic ocean highly secured! Tornado coming in. This is why the bridges fell!

8 months ago

cold front coming in!
biden said "dark winter" correction....
whose tampering with gravity
massmovement....due to these tracks
something was under ice
magma heating up....
bubbling... steaming
gravity...pulls things together...
alantic ocean a path... yellow brick road!
organic material
white substance light color has accumulated on ocean floor!

cumulonimbus clouds ...more thunder storms and severe weather coming in!
surface waves...odd activity with waves
greenhouse effect....radiation rising more.....
something about frost....cold front
compression...something used for rock to make space for this ai robot reptilian in the water...tied to the bridges
streak....the track or next mark of the beast....the solar eclipse april 8 2024 was the introduction to the mark of the beast the mark of the best is the marking or track on the alantic ocean floor...getting ready to push the button for it!
new moon july 5 th 2024
cirrus crystals this will be your sign....
winds coming in...california...
jet stream high winds coming in!
very very high radiation
plates moving away from each other
chloroflucarbon... human made....whatever is happening on minor scale
snow coming in!
transform boundary....sliding pass each ither plates causing earthquakes
sun to earth
prograde counter clock wise rotation
space in water
dormant volcano...will erupt in the future
along africa
seismograph quake created
intense heat
magma to lave
rock thing turns into another...
what something can carry!

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