🚨WATCH: Joe Biden's White House REFUSES To Rule Out Hunter Pardon...

7 months ago

The main reason why nobody on the left wants to talk about pardoning Hunter Biden is because they are hoping he will either not be sentenced to any jail time or his sentencing would be for a very short period, but make no mistake, if Hunter is sentenced to serious jail time, Dictator Joe will 100% pardon him before leaving office.

Now before you think this senile dirtbag is doing it because he loves his son, it is to prevent Hunter from turning on Joe and implicating him and somebody even more important to the Democrat party, which I will get to.

This gun case was a distraction from the more important tax case for Hunter currently set in September, a case that the DOJ will likely be easier on Hunter now that they got a conviction on a less important case that doesn't implicate Joe.

But the next case has to do with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) where Joe Biden is implicated. By failing to register with FARA, the Bidens failed to list who they were lobbying for, and it wasn't Joe Biden...it was OBAMA.

The reason why the DOJ and the press are so scared about all of this is that if Joe is implicated, so will Obama which cannot happen for the left and their precious false image of the so-called Obama Legacy.

Pardoning Hunter will prevent him from cutting a deal where he would turn on his father; remember just like his father, Hunter is all about himself, just ask his 5-year-old daughter he has still refused to meet.

**Make sure to follow me for daily videos Exposing the left!**

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