Canadian Media and Media Executives Are Getting Paid by the CCP Regime

8 months ago

06/11/2024 Branden Leslie, Canadian Member of Parliament: According to the report by NSICOP, the CCP interfered with Canadian media content via direct engagement with Canadian media executives and journalists. For example, the CCP pays to publish media articles without attribution, sponsoring media travel to the PRC, pressuring journalists to withdraw articles, and creating false accounts on social media to spread disinformation.
#Canadianmedia #CCP #foreigninterfere #NSICOP #BrandenLeslie

06/11/2024 加拿大下议院议员布兰登·莱斯利:根据加拿大国家安全和议员情报委员会的报告,中共通过直接与媒体管理层和记者接触,来干预加拿大媒体的内容。例如,中共付费发表媒体文章而不注明出处、资助媒体赴华旅行、施压记者撤稿、以及在社交媒体上创建假账户传播虚假信息等等。
#加拿大媒体 #中共 #外国干预 #加拿大国家安全和议员情报委员会 #布兰登·莱斯利

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