Stand by your Man...

7 months ago

Stand by your man because men are very important..
Who have we got coming on?
I’m just gonna, um single you out Debler.

Every Time I get caught out, it's always because it's a really close friend of mine and I just let them on thinking it is them, and then I get this big bald stick come on the screen and its like…

Yeah I remember when Matt Taylor did it to you that time.
Was it Matt Taylor who done it?
Fooking scumbag.
I think it was.

Yeah I’m going to block him in here now anyway.
You know what, I can’t say like definitely, that Matt Taylor’s a wrongen in the kid department.
I know, I know, this is the thing I don’t get, why they try and push that.
I don’t completely discard him but I have to keep my guard up with him, because what Matt Taylor’s done to me in the past, I won’t put nothing past him, you know.

Oh yeah, I mean I don’t even want, I don’t know him, I know of him for years, but always like not been really interested in, I don’t know who he is.
There’;s nothing interesting about him really.
Its like, he’s really good at…

There’s that one, remember when Plisko porn bombed him, and he was on his last strike and he went fooking ape shat.
That was funny weren’t it.
He’s spraying things about and everything, weren’t he.
It was fooking hilarious.

That was one of his lives I did watch and I’m glad I watch that one.
Because I kind of avoid his stuff because I find him, although he’s really good on YouTube, and um, my laptop power is running out.

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Stand by your man -


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