Kryon Speaks – Who Created the Veil?

3 months ago

Who created the veil?

We did.

Why was the veil created?

It is a test of energy on the planet. It is a planetary test.

It is to experience duality.

We get to see light and dark.

But light is starting to come forward and allowing us to see things we have never saw before.

Society is beginning to wake up to grander truths.

This separation between you and your human form, and that which is the magnificence of God, is not a veil created by the Creator. We created it for an experience on this planet. Since it is our veil that separates us from which is divine, we decide collectively when to remove it. It is designed to keep us from seeing things that would not be fair from experiencing duality.

The veil is becoming more transparent and it is our own doing.

Will there ever be a time when it is gone?

Kryon says he has observed other planets like Earth that experienced this same stuff and even did worse that our planet, but even they had a shift and through the years their veil diminished and they realized their divinity.

One day the veil disappeared. They saw the majesty of God and the love for them and they became an Ascended planet.

Some of those come here and we see an Angel, an ascended being that has gone through what we are going through and they come to us with love and to help us out. They come from some other place and they went through what we are going through.

Where do souls come from? Some come from these other places and they do it all over again, but they have the experiences in their DNA.

These are the Light Workers.

Some of them are us.

The veil have moved and it is thinner and the love of spirit is closer to us.

It is a man made separation between that which is human and that which is the Creative Source.

We all have lived multiple lives that are preparing us for what is to come. Not just lives on this planet, but all over the Galaxy.

The veil is a separation from the Creative Source.

Mastery is non-separation from the Creative Source and understands the Love of God.

These are the kinds of people that others love to be around because they see the love, the compassion and the “specialness” of these people.

These souls will infiltrate the darkness on this planet. Darkness will not even be able to effect them.

The darkness will disappear as darkness cannot impose any will on the light.

That is what is coming to the planet. It is getting better and will continue to do so.

Why does it seem not be getting better?

Because when there is more light on the planet, it exposes the dark and that is troublesome to the ones waking up.

To know that this planet has that kind of filth in charge is not easy to awaken to. The filth will try and do things to survive and it may appear things will get worse before they get better, because they are being exposed and they don’t like it.

Stay positive and know things will change for the better. It will be a gradual process as others on this planet begin waking up.

The more that wake up, the more light is on this planet, the higher the vibration and the dark will not be able to survive and will do everything they can to avoid the light.

We are not there yet, but we are on our way and there will be a day when ascension occurs.

Source: Kryon Lee Carroll --


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END. 6/22/2024 – 9:00 PM

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