James Sager III, iphone inventor: Behold the original designs and musings of an old soul

8 months ago

This is a fun video, organized about how I designed the iphone, Apple literally got access to my design documents years later and made it.

I own the smart phone IP... Quite Literally. Enjoy.

But it gets wilder after the proof of the iphone...

-I invented so many things, never compensated

-1000 resumes, 100 headhunters, no jobs, no first job! Despite coding since age 4! Despite Carnegie Mellon Comp Sci degree

-Wilder still, I wrote many software products over a decade... Every single contract was criminally violated by various Big Tech... NOT ONE PAID! They all steal, censor, openly hate, or sabotage my computer.

So I'm possibly the smartest man on Earth, IQ tests have said so, proof of all these inventions say so, and being #1 world in every intellectual game I play also says I am probably the smartest man on Earth: www.crystalfighter.com/a.html

So despite being one of the most talented and smart persons of all time, I still struggle to get gas money so I can get to the gym and take a shower. I suffered with food and water insecurity for years. I have massive student loans... Age 47, never got my first chance, only got criminally ripped off..

Enjoy the video, it may change your life!

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