White Man in ZOG Occupied Australia: They've Taken Our Jobs, Homes & Neighbourhoods

2 months ago

Take Back Your Spirit & Fire Within:
I grew up in a middle class suburb. I went to a public school, but a good one.
And I can't, I can't have that future, I can't have the life that my father built for me.
I can't live in the suburb that my father built for me.
I've got a daughter now. And I'm going to have more children.
And I can't go to the same park that I grew up in and play on the swing set that my father pushed me on.
And run around in that park. I can't do that with my children.
My children don't get to walk the dog in the same park that their father walked the doggo.
So there's no grounding. So we've been uprooted.
And we've been pushed out and pushed out and pushed out.
And we've fought tooth and nails to just stay within three or four or five subs of where we grew up in, because of this mass migration.
So they've taken out jobs and they're taking our homes.
Not as individuals, but as a collective, that's what's happened. The government's policies. That's what's happened.

And so, I'm not disaffected. I'm affected.
You take my house, you take my suburb, you take my job.
Again, not individuals, not, not the individual Chilean or whatever, no. But as a collective, this is what the government's policies, this neoliberalism has done.
There's anti-white mass migration, and this capitalism.
This is what you've done.
And we are the founding stock of England and we're the founding stock of America and we're the founding stock of Germany, and of the colonies of Australian, New zealand.
I'm an Anglo-saxon. And we're speaking English. And I've been put last.

And then they say, we're disaffected.
That we're grooming the disaffected White youth. We're not grooming the disaffected. Its you, their system.
The enemy system, the jews that are in power and the traitor whites that are in power, and all that swore boys that come here and taken advantage of the situation, and amplifying themselves and putting them in positions of power.
Tthey're stomping on our necks They're kicking us down.
They're kicking us out of our institutions. They've kicked us out of our own homes.
Spiritually metaphorically, economically, they made us more slaves. And more dependent.
They've knocked our caste down. That our ancestors were so hard to get out of slavery.

What's a White man living in ZOG occupied Australia to do???
And so now you have, now you have high IQ, hard working, white men, founding stock white men, anglo sexons, anglo Celts, Northern european, Southern europeans.
You have men that have fight in their, in their veins.
You have men that have higher culture in their bodies.
You have men with the strongest dna on this planet.
And you're trying to shackle them.
You're trying to enslave them.
And so what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to awaken you as a white man.
As especially if you're a young white man.
I'm trying to awaken a spirit, a fire that's within you.
That we have to take back land, peace by peace.
We have to take back institution, one bit at a time.
Or build our own if we can't.
And I'm more in favor of building right because I think all their temples should be torn down.
All their idols should be torn down.

Let us be cleansed. A cleansing fire on their evil and wicked ways.
That's what I promote. I promote a new world, a new white world, a neo white world.
I'm a neo white supremacist. Call me what you want. But that is what I am.
And that is what they have made. That is how I have adapted. That's how, that's my survival mechanism.
You're trying to kill me. You're trying to kill my offspring. On a long timeline, that's what they're doing.
It's not just metaphor. That is what they're trying to do.
They're poisoning us. They're poisoning the wells.
They're trying to stop white people from collectivising. They're promoting our destruction, promoting our race mixing.
Promoting the lack of continuity of our people. They're destroying the existence of our future.
So you want to take our future. And you don't think we're going to fight back with the tools that we have?
You don't think that we're going to ban together with other white men that understand this.

Well we are.
And we're on the up, and you should be afraid if you're against us, if you're working against us, you should be afraid.
It's the most rational thing that you could have in your body.
This fear of us, fear of righteous judgment, fear of strong, healthy, white men that are going to hold you accountable for trying to destroy us.
You think you could discriminate us?
Discriminate against us, and treat us like we're fucking subhumans?
When as our blood, and our spirits, we built western civilization.
You're so wrong because that spirit and that blood lives inside of us.
And it is ready to be awakened at any moment.
And time will prove me right.

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