Article 4869 Video - International Public Notice: American Everything By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4869 Video - International Public Notice: American Everything - Friday, June 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, there is a difference between "the US" and "America" --- always has been, and thank God, always will be.

As people throughout the world are beginning to understand, "the US" is a corporation operating under various deceptive names and so is "the USA".

These corporations are service providers and subcontractors of our actual American Government which is unincorporated and unique: The United States is the name of our country operating in the National Jurisdiction of the soil and The United States of America is the name of our country operating in International and Global Jurisdictions.

These names, unembellished and styled in this way, represent unincorporated instrumentalities of the individual sovereign organic states of the Union -- instrumentalities which have existed since 1776.

Recently, Donald Trump and military bank agents have set up a new corporation calling itself "the American Government" --- Incorporated, of course.
They have also announced their intention to occupy our vacant Federal Republic "for" us, but no such occupation is needed or appropriate.

When the States of America shut down in April of 1861, the delegated authorities of that Federal Subcontractor reverted by operation of law to the Delegator of its enumerated powers: our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America --- unincorporated.

Any competent professor of international law can confirm this, but so can any average homeowner.

If you hire someone to mow your lawn and he breaks his leg so that he is unable to perform the task, what are your choices? You can mow the lawn yourself, leave it unmown, or hire someone else.

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