
9 months ago

Dr. David Martin Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots

It turns out that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not vaccines after all.

Both BioNTech (Pfizer’s company) and Moderna once referred to the mRNA injections as “gene therapies.”

Now, pharma execs are laughing because they know that if they had called the shots what they were (gene therapies), nobody would have taken them.

Instead, they called it a vaccine and got away with it.

Here’s what’s even worse. Scientific studies before 2018 indicated that pseudouridine “was known to be a cancer promoter.”

Guess what’s in the mRNA injections? Pseudouridine. Now, young people are getting cancer, unlike at any other time in history.

Here is the disturbing truth, according to @DrDMartinWorld.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you were injected with a thing to make you a customer of the industry [Big Pharma] that has been in the business of k*lling the world’s citizens since 1604.”


新型コロナウイルス ワクチン mRNAワクチン 遺伝子治療 遺伝子製剤 ワクチン薬害 ワクチン後遺症 ワクチン被害 検閲 誤情報 デマ 言論統制 言論弾圧 アカウント停止 アカウント凍結 BAN


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