The past of Edmonton mayor Amarjeet Sohi.

8 months ago

Here’s an Indian news report from 6 years ago, about the current Edmonton mayor Amarjeet Sohi.

An advertisement from an immigration firm on Sohi’s success story of becoming a Minister in Canada after having been jailed as a suspected terrorist in India.

Amarjeet Sohi’s education is limited to high school, and he was a bus driver before being elevated to political power with the help of the World Sikh Organization, which has a large influence over the UNIPARTY and Justin Trudeau.

Today, Sohi has been caught not disclosing Whiterock Ventures, a trucking company where his Brother, election campaign manager, and donors make millions of dollars through numbered companies at the expense of taxpayers.

It’s a great marketing technique to sell the idea that even with a troubling past you can make it big in Canada even if you start from being a bus driver. But do we need more Amarjeet Sohis in Canada?

How much anger should be directed towards these immigration firms, mostly connected to families of elected Canadian officials from all parties, that profit through the exploitation of bringing international students to Canada?

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