Tough blackhead extractions on the nose, Part 1

6 years ago

This young lady travelled out of state to come and see me, mainly because she has a mole on her chin that she wants to have removed (you will see this in a future video). She also has numerous small comedones (whiteheads) on her nose and central cheeks and forehead.
These comedones are extremely stubborn to extract.. I would call many of them keratin filaments.. just keratin really wedged into her pores/follicles. Since this was her first visit to see me, I recommended she return again after applying RetinA (tretinoin), which is a prescription product, to the area in order to help soften up these comedones so they would be easier to extract in the future.
As you can see, her whiteheads were so stubborn! She would have extracted them herself if she had the right tools, but she could really bruise herself trying to remove these. I believe that if she were to start using tretinoin for a few weeks, future extractions will be easier and her skin will look so much smoother. She'll be back in a week and we will see if we can extract more next time!
I can't say it enough: I have the most wonderful patients, who are so sweet and so kind to allow me to film them for all you to watch, learn and enjoy!

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