8 months ago

No matter what you do, there is one immutable truth that you cannot ignore or wish away - the fact that freedom is always illegal. This is a profound and undeniable reality that has played out time and time again throughout human history. The quest for liberty and self-determination has always been met with resistance, suppression, and the heavy hand of authority. Those in power, whether governments, institutions, or dominant social forces, invariably seek to maintain control and quash any challenge to their dominance.

The truth is that true freedom, the kind that allows individuals to live and think and act without constraint, is a threat to those in power. It undermines the very systems and structures they have worked so hard to erect and preserve. And so they will use every tool at their disposal - laws, regulations, surveillance, force - to keep the masses in check, to make sure that the natural human yearning for autonomy and self-expression is ruthlessly crushed. No matter how many times this pattern has repeated, no matter how clear the historical evidence, those in authority refuse to relent. They cannot abide a populace that is truly free, for that would mean the unraveling of their control.

This is a truth that has been demonstrated again and again, across cultures and eras. It is a fact that cannot be ignored or denied, no matter how much we might wish it were otherwise. And so the clarion call must go out - wake up, people! Recognize this fundamental reality, this ever-present threat to your liberty. Only by fully grasping this truth can you hope to navigate the treacherous waters of a world that seeks to constrain and subjugate you at every turn. The fight for freedom is an eternal one, and it is time to take up that mantle, to resist with every fiber of your being. For freedom, true freedom, will always be illegal in the eyes of those who crave power and control.

More uncensored truth & history can be found for free here ⬇️

it's really not rocket science folks, it's right there in front
of US all.

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