Metropolis - 1927 (HD) | by Fritz Lang

8 months ago

Metropolis - 1927 (HD) | by Fritz Lang. Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist science-fiction silent film directed by Fritz Lang and written by Thea von Harbou in collaboration with Lang from von Harbou's 1925 novel of the same name (which was intentionally written as a treatment). It stars Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, and Brigitte Helm. Erich Pommer produced it in the Babelsberg Studios for Universum Film A.G. (UFA). Metropolis is regarded as a pioneering science-fiction film, being among the first feature-length ones of that genre. "On 1 January 2023, the film's American reserved copyright expired, thereby entering the film into the public domain." Wikiipedia.

Remastered and Musically edited by Rueda Books & Arts with some master pieces of the greatest German classical baroque music composers: Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and Wagner.

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