Episode 2: My Dawg was Having a Good Time

7 months ago

I identify as anti-Karen, anti-bullying, and pro-Dawgs having a good time. This episode was recorded on Thursday the 19th of October starting at 9:30 pm.
I gotta work on my camera skills over here, but heck, I think Im a professional at this point. It did however take me an hour to learn how to blur out side **ssy. And also let it be known that I didnt realize her sides were out until a bystander who was online gambling during the altercation informed her. I didnt see that until the very end and its a shame because it took me way too much time.
But anyway, I got several more episodes Im preparing to post and get ready for the holy festivities of Samhain when I’ll going to reveal my face.
Have a good day/night/morning/existence everyone.

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