Modded Starfield #01

9 months ago

Scroll for more information on mods used.

Links for support.
Links for you to support me, but my preferance is Patreon:$Katanalightn3ngcat

Some mods used and the creators:

"Cheat room" By: PrincessMely.
This mod restores the cheat room, as found in other Bethesda titles. The player can access all weapons, armour, ammo, food, keys, misc objects, and resources in the game. There are also robots added which can be used as training targets, crafting workbenches, and a bed.
The cheat room can be accessed by entering a shipping container added to the spaceport in new Atlantis. PC players can also access the cheat room by entering the console command “coc qasmoke”.
The latest update adds “cheat amps”, these are clothing that can be worn to activate cheats such as Super Jump, Endless O2, or Give EXP.

This mod will likely have incompatibilities with any other mods that change the qasmoke cell.
Additionally, not every item obtainable in this mod is intended to by used, some are unfinished or left out for good reason. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this mod on any cherished save game, as any of these un-used items could cause bugs or issues

::Why make a cheat room?::
I do not recommend using this mod if it your first time playing the game. Cheating can spoil the game experience, however there are many reasons why a player might need to access the cheat room, such as to overcome a bug, or to test armour weapon load outs before committing to obtain them legitimately.
Additionally, for modders the cheat room is invaluable, as it provides a way to see and test all base weapons and armours in the game. This is essential for crafting balanced and immersive mod experiences.

:::Feedback and Support:::
Please feel free to comment any feedback , or suggestions. Also, if you have any serious issues with this mod please let me know and I will try my best to resolve them. Thank you for trying this mod, and I hope you enjoy!


"GamerPauly`s LOOT BOX (Test Mod)" By: GamerPauly

No Feedback link as of 06-12-2024

"Shade's Skill Points for Credits or Essence" By: shadedness

=== Main Features ===
Visit certain NPCs and you'll have an additional activation you can press to bring up a menu and purchase additional skill points.
This is the 'R' key by default on PC, but it will show you on-screen. Kiosks are also present in certain locations.

== Features ==
Grants you an immersive way to utilise your hard-earned credits for meaningful gains
Grants an immersive way to spend Quantum Essence for meaningful gains
Visit certain Kiosks or NPCs to buy your Skill Points though training - see below for details
Cost starts at 5,000, then 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, etc increasing by 10,000 after each purchase to a maximum of 150,000 per skill point. NG+ cost will jump to 60,000 after the first purchase for some balance. There are also some basic multipliers to change the cost in the Setting Menu
Time (approx 4hrs) also passes with each skill point purchase "training"
Quantum Essence obtained during the main story can also be spent - see below for details
Settings Menu buttons can be accessed by crouching/sneaking when you interact to open the Training Menu

== NPCs you can buy/train from - press the alternative interaction button on screen ==
Exam Proctor Samuelson in the UC Vanguard training centre, New Atlantis
Simulator controls terminal inside the UC Vanguard training simulator, New Atlantis
Alex Shadid, The Rock, Akila City
Shinya Voss, The Key (Crimson Fleet)
Veena Kalra - R&D, Ryugen, Neon
(I'm open to further suggestions)

== Kiosk locations ==
UC Vanguard Training & Exam Centre in New Atlantis
Freestar Rangers HQ upstairs - inside "The Rock" building in Akila City
Crimson Fleet - Delgado's Office at the top of the Operations Centre, The Key

== Quantum Essence ==
Quantum Essence gained later in the main story can also be spent to acquire Skill Points.
Visit the Lodge and look for the "Quantum Focusser" on the dresser in your room - cost is 10 Quantum Essence by default. If you haven't got any, or haven't progressed far enough in the main story it will not do anything and thus avoid spoilers

== This Mod Does NOT ==
Does not change your character's level or XP
Does not train or rank-up individual skills - it simply adds a Skill Point to spend as if you leveled-up
Does not change anything relating to skills or their unlocking requirements
Does not edit any game records and thus should not clash with any other mod

== Compatibility ==
Objects have added to The Lodge, UC exam room, Freestar Ranger GQ and Crimson Fleet Operations Room - any mod that place objects in the same place will look funny, but this is highly unlikely to occur at this stage.
I've updated the above Cells' flags to match the Community Patch.
Should work happily alongside any other mods as it does not modify any other game forms.
Basically there should be no technical clashes or issues, only visual weirdness if another mod tries to place stuff in the same locations I have.

No feedback link as of 06-12-2024

Tags used:
game, starfield, console, xbox, one x, bethesda, zenimax, microsoft, modded, katana, letsplay,

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