5/19/2022 Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI) Interview StellarRussia #1 (Russian Military)

8 months ago

“Indus is not only one company. Indus is the Mother company of all the other affiliate to global mining programs and represented on the [Stellar] network” -Ben, StellarRussia

Topics discussed:
-Undeniable, palpable evidence that Russia has already kicked off GESARA
-Russian goldmining contract
-Validation of induspayments.com, indus.exchange, swisscustody.org, VBRF (Vebrf.digital) as real assets backed by real companies = NOT A SCAM!! LEGITIMATELY PART OF QFS AND GLOBAL WEALTH TRANSFER
-Russian physical and digital assets
-Project Odin


✅Will the Russian Ruble lead the way for the global currency revaluation or “level playing field”? If so, how will this take place? Can you give us some specifics on what events (financially, militarily, politically) to look out for?

✅Will Russian citizens be able to go to a bank and directly exchange their Rubles for gold coins and vice versa?

✅Have there been any examples in Russia of debts (public and/or private sector) being wiped? What sources can we use to confirm this for the public?

✅Will people who have invested into physical currencies, bonds, physical gold/silver be able to “redeem” it for a newly revalued rate in the near future? If so, what protocols are in place to facilitate these operations? Or will the redemption be done through Stellar wallets?

✅Can you confirm if Cryptorussians.ru is the correct domain for the legitimate Russian e-Ruble? What sources can we use to confirm this for the public?

✅Can you describe the Vebrf.digital project in your own words and how it relates to BRICS?

✅Do you know if Turkey will be joining “BRICS” soon? (or shall I say BRICST”) If so, when is the expected announcement?

What are your thoughts on the possibility of:
✅- the global internet crashing?
✅- rigged elections around the world, not just in USA?
✅- brand new global elections this year using blockchain technology given undeniable proof exposed on “2000 Mules” documentary regarding the US election?
✅- those complicit in global election fraud/rigging/hacking getting arrested for their crimes?

✅StellarRussia on: Norilsk, indus.exchange, induspayments, VBRF

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Legitimate Stellar Developers for the QFS:
StellarRussia: https://t.me/stellarrussia
Lumendex: https://t.me/lumendexchannel
MrPotato’s House: https://t.me/stellarmrpotatohouse
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS): https://t.me/masofficialchannel
QAZEmpire23: https://t.me/QAZEmpire23
Synergy Foundation: https://t.me/synergyfoundation
Stellar Moon Bunny: https://t.me/StellarMoonBunnyWarren
Tokens Foundation: https://t.me/TokensFound
Vanguard Foundation (Sopnendu Mohanty/MAS): https://t.me/vanguardfoundations
White Hats Home: https://t.me/thewhitehatshome
Project Overledger: https://t.me/projectoverledger

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