6 months ago

### Free Erik Plott: Join the Movement! Instagram version here

(Milkshake Satisfaction) STOP TELLING YOURSELF “You can’t”. That’s it. I believe Erik Plott made all these remixes enjoy. #BlackSunEmpress111 has some special messages and a short video sharing her art and singing ability’s coming soon for #BlackSunGoddess333 miss Nicole. #BlackSunPriestess

Remember Erik Plott does as he wants. Don’t ever try to tell him what to do again.

Dude bro she looks like erikk Plotts mom. How crazy is that.

First version here

"Satisfaction comes from standing up for what's right." Erik Plott has always been a dedicated community member. He once volunteered to help with the soapbox derby in Columbia, Missouri, enjoying the camaraderie of working with kids, owners, and sponsors. Despite the rain and intense heat that day, Erik's commitment never wavered. A narrator recalls, “I was there firsthand and I witnessed Erik Plott working very hard stacking the cones and the derby carts up on the trailers. He was there all day till nightfall, moving those heavy carts around. The sun came out and burned his arms as he had a tank top on later in the day. I’ve never seen a harder working man than the palm tree guy Erik Plott. It’s no wonder he’s one of the best landscapers in the whole world.”

Now, Erik faces a grave injustice, and we must stand up for him, even if it means promoting a ban on the entire town. Erik is not just a community pillar; he's a father, loved by children and his own daughters. When law enforcement commits unlawful acts, the impact ripples through his life, touching his loved ones and family deeply.

The fight for justice begins this summer! Join the **Free Erik Plott** movement as we demand action against the injustices he faces. If law enforcement doesn't address the misconduct of Trooper Nicolas March, we will continue to spread the word daily, urging people to reconsider bringing their business to Missouri if unlawful perjury is their standard.

**Erik Plott**, a beloved online superstar, is being threatened with 2-4 years in prison for being a victim of a car accident. He never left the scene, yet he’s left with all the bills and the loss of his driver's license.

We also call for action against **Chad Moen**, the prosecutor who directed Kevin O'Brien of Columbia, Missouri, in what we believe is collusion. This case should have been dropped, but no one fought on Erik’s behalf.

### How You Can Help
- **Report Trooper Nicolas March**: Demand accountability for his actions.
- **Report Chad Moen**: Over 100 complaints have been filed, and we need your voice too.
- **Spread the Word**: Share this message and encourage others to join our cause.

Many people are already showing up to protest and share Erik’s story. Together, we can make a difference. We won't stop until our voice is heard and justice is served.

**#FreeErikPlott #ReportNicolasMarch #ReportChadMoen #JusticeForErikPlott**

**Erik Geoffrey Von Leonardo Plott**, the artist and CEO of Plott Palm Trees, needs your support. Join us in this fight for justice!

@followers Erikk Plott Real Raw Erik Geoffrey Plott Re uploaded Oficial Plott Palm Trees Stranded Jungle Movie Belize Central America Willford Griff Columbia Missouri Police Department Lilith Plott Missouri State Highway Patrol Stelios Stavrou Autumn L. Kelly Potter for Columbia School Board Megan Potter Columbia Missourian Kay Rhonda Josh Lewis Isabella Lynnette Marie Brodie Graham Rhonda Kay Jennifer Bailey Rhonda Capri Kay LuxfEros Archangel Adonai Ehyeh Nathanial Wheeldon Raine Gartein

Erika Burns

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