A conversation with director Ash Mahmood

6 months ago

Control Group co-founder, Diny has a conversation with Ash Mahmood - one of the directors of the documentary film Playing God, which delves into medical democide in the UK. Ash explains what what brought him to creating this incredibly moving film.

We recommend everyone watch 'Playing God!
Watch it here: https://x.com/i/spaces/1ypKdkvrBgdxW or here: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/playing-god



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Many people in our community are members of the Control Group - an independent health outcomes study working to establish the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals, like the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more about their project - including how to help - by visiting the Control Group website: https://controlgroup.coop/

Disclaimer: Fear-free Speakeasy (FFS) holds space for activities, events, and presentations. Responsibility for the content is that of the individual guest(s), and presenter(s) and not FFS as an organisation. If you decide to make contact with, take the advice of, or, use the products or services of, any presenter, guest, or fellow participant, it is your choice and it is your responsibility to have due diligence and do your own research. FFS hold no liability or responsibility. Any information provided here is not intended as medical advice.

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