The Ultimate Struggle of Getting Out of a Boat

6 years ago

We can all agree that boat rides are so much fun. However, as soon as the ride is over, you have to get out of the boat. And that’s when problems may occur! If you have ever tried getting out of a small boat on your own, you’ll know what I’m talking about! This video is here to exemplify that struggle in the funniest way! As the video begins, you can see a man who’s just finished his boat ride. And now, it’s time to get out of the boat and onto the deck. That may seem like a simple task, but it’s quite the opposite! How funny is this guy’s struggle? This poor man just can’t get out of his the boat no matter how hard he tries! Who would have thought that getting out of the boat could be such a struggle? Eventually, he manages to chain his boat and climbs onto the dock! Finally, success! So hilarious!

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