A natural Disaster in PokémonSilver (Part 48)

7 months ago

In this episode, I make my way over to Pallet Town and Cinnabar Island. Pallet Town is always fun to revisit, and you get a quick shot to Cinnabar Island from the sea to the south. Unfortunately, Cinnabar has been destroyed by a massive volcano, causing the island to become completely abandonded sans a Pokémon Center and Blue. The eruption makes Blue realize that everything you have can be wiped out in the blink of an eye. This causes him to take a break from being Veridian City's Gym leader. I am able to convince him to return because I have some strong pokémon with me, and even though you can lose everything, you should still try your hardest. I then find Blaine in the Seafoam Islands and surf his guts out. On an unrelated note, I catch a Tentacruel and refrence a banned episode of the anime.

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