OVERKILL with TODD McFARLANE, ROB LIEFELD, and STAN LEE | "The Comic Book Greats" | Ep.04 (1991)

8 months ago

"The Comic Book Greats" was a 1991 documentary series produced by Stabur Home Video. The series was hosted by Stan Lee. Stan interviewed a different comic book artist for each episode.

#thecomicbookgreats #stanlee #toddmcfarlane #robliefeld #overkill #comicbook


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My Monster & Mystery Ongoing Series -- KING CRYPTID!

(AVAILABLE NOW) KING CRYPTID #1-4: http://alternacomics.com/kingcryptid

(CURRENTLY FUNDING) KING CRYPTID #5-9 on Alterna: https://www.alternacomics.com/kingcryptid

(CURRENTLY FUNDING) KING CRYPTID #5-9 on Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/king-cryptid-5-9-more-monsters-mysteries/x/19418703#/

This series focuses on the adventures of the supernatural hero known as King Cryptid as he encounters monsters, mysteries, cover-ups, and conspiracies throughout the New England region.


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