The Overlords vs. Avalon

8 months ago

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Gold Aug 24 (GC=F)
As of 11:33 a.m. EDT. Market open.
Todaywe introduce: AVALON news-not light fare! But interesting theses. What Elon would say about it, especially because of saturn, really amazing!
In the process:
@avalonaktuell AVALON NEWS - The cosmic perspective

Launched: January 2020!

Telegram channel:

People and the earth are at the center of our work.

Our focus is on the development of individual and collective, social, mental and spiritual awareness.

The aim is educational work and consciousness development in all areas of life relevant to transformation.

We inspire, encourage and accompany people in business, politics, science and all organizations who are ready for this change in consciousness.

In this way, we initiate and promote the evolution and transformation process of the planet and all its inhabitants.

For this new era of the 3rd millennium, innovative ideas, a rethinking process and the courage to act in all essential areas of life are essential.
A great development of consciousness is necessary: Healing, love, mindfulness, appreciation and transformation.

Roxy Music ~ Avalon (HQ Audio)/Roxy Music -- Avalon [[ Official Live Video ]]
Stefan Waggershausen & Alice - Zu nah am Feuer (1984) " "
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