The Myth of Green Energy - Dave Walsh - Freedom Alive® Ep120

8 months ago

“This myth of renewables saving us in the next 20 to 30 years, is simply that...a myth. Mathematically it doesn’t work, it can’t work.” Yet while Americans’ power bills increase, the push from the government for green energy increases. But how will all this affect our lives and our freedom? On this episode of Freedom Alive®, energy advisor Dave Walsh explains what’s really happening behind the scenes and the geopolitical change in energy control from the West to the East.
Each week on Freedom Alive®, we will alert you to new government overreaches and update you on existing legal battles. We will tell you about the victories people of faith are winning and how you, too, can fight back and get involved to keep your freedom alive!
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Originally premiered June 9, 2024, on GoodLife45 - visit


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