The Wife of the Most High

3 months ago

This video begins with Moses and the burning bush. YAH gives Moses two signs to show the children of Israel in order to convince them that Moses has indeed met YAH, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The lesser sign was Moses' staff turning into a snake and the greater sign was Moses' hand turning from black to white. Many Hollywood movies have depicted Moses' encounter with the angel of YAH at the burning bush, but they NEVER show the greater sign of Moses' hand turning from black to white. Why? Because those movies lie depicting Moses, the Israelites and the Egyptians as white-skinned people and what miracle would there be in turning a white man's hand white? It doesn't make sense so rather than tell the truth, they just exclude the greater sign altogether and only show Moses' staff turning into a snake. Wake up family. Our enemies are LIARS. The truth is in our favor NOT theirs. They are the children of lies and we are the children of truth. We, the black people who descend from slaves scattered throughout the world, are the true children of Israel. The covenant we made with the Most High, YAH at the foot of mount Sinai was a marriage covenant. We broke our vows to YAH and are being punished accordingly; the Blessings for obedience and the Curses for disobedience are all outlined in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. But YAH, being the faithful Husband that He is, will receive us with His arms wide open when we return to Him AND WE ARE RETURNING TO HIM. No matter how hard our enemies try to stop it, we will return to our First Husband -- the Second Exodus is coming.

Video's Scriptures:
Exodus 3:2
Exodus 4:1
Exodus 4:2
Exodus 4:3
Exodus 4:4
Exodus 4:6
Exodus 4:7
Exodus 4:8
Exodus 4:30
Exodus 4:31
Ezekiel 16:8
Song of Songs 8:6
Song of Songs 8:7
Ezekiel 16:38
Ezekiel 16:41
Deuteronomy 28:41
Hosea 2:4
Hosea 2:7
Isaiyah 43:18
Isaiyah 43:19
Isaiyah 43:20
Psalms 9:17 ("hell" means the grave.)
Psalms 33:12

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