REEL - We Are The Change Rally: Crowd Stands Up Against Tyranny to Defeat W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty

8 months ago

On Saturday, June 1, 2024, thousands of activists from around the globe converged on the Nations Plaza in Geneva for a We Are The Change rally and marched through the streets of the city where the United Nations and the World Health Organization are based.

Dr. Chris Flowers MD was invited to attend both the march and a conference held the previous day, as a representative of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Document Investigations, led by Dr Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly, as a result of his testimonies in the National Citizens Inquiry (Canada) and four times at different levels in Brazil.

Many speakers at the event urged the crowd to stand up against tyranny and defeat the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty, The International Health Regulations (IHR), and other tyrannies being pushed hard by the globalist United States Government representatives.

Here is a short video Dr Flowers made to provide some content to this event, that was mostly not reported on by World media.

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