Court drops BOMBSHELL Covid PCR data and they are FURIOUS | Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris

8 months ago

All individuals need to do is look at the experiments done in virology to conclude that virologists have no proof that contagious viruses exist. The entire field of virology is fraudulent. The PCR test can't find something that doesn't exist. The vaccines can't prevent you from getting something that doesn't exist.
A court in Portugal rules that PCR tests were unreliable and should never have been used to take away people's liberties. What now? But they DID use them to take away liberties! Alexandre Guerrero is a lawyer in Portugal and he joins us to discuss.

UTL COMMENT:- The masks and the six feet distancing were to keep people from talking to each other. The PCR tests was a faux scam to make us follow the made up rules.
They were also potentially toxic as well & can penetrate the blood-brain barrier...see this video I recently uploaded.....

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