Nigel Farage Scalds Gordon Brown (see description for things you may not know about)

8 months ago

To have ‘rights’ we must first be given it, but they will become privileges. To have a ‘right’ we must use our own authority, our own court, we all have our own court.

Ownership is legalese, “a ship called owner”, it’s maritime/admiralty law, aka law of the seas, aka law of commerce. We can own but we do not always have the right or title to it. For example, a Landlord can own a property, but it is the tenant who has the right to use it, at least until the contractual lease expires or is breached. In Law of Commerce, we can only own what we create.

Car Ownership
When someone buys a car, it comes with a “Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin”, detailing where, when, who made it. The dealer sends this to the relevant government department (DVLA) and the dealer receives from the DVLA a “Certificate of Conformity”. The dealer asks you if you’d like to register the vehicle and foolishly we say “yes”. Registration of the vehicle means you have handed over ownership. In which case the “Certificate of Conformity” is retired to the DVLA and goes into a Trust, the DVL acting as the Trustee, but we are the Guarantor of the Trust. However, the DVLA deceptively flip things around and we then become the Trustee. This is why our V5 document shows us as the “Registered Keeper” NOT owner; it actually says on the V5 that the document is NOT proof of ownership. This gives the DVLA the right to seize the vehicle as we unknowingly entered into a contract by registering the vehicle. The Police have absolutely no authority to seize a vehicle. This whole scam is called entrapment or trapping, illegal entrapment. By registering the vehicle you also agree to adhere to the Highway Code (codes are part of legislation and therefore apply only to corporations and legal fictions). We also agreed to pay Road Tax, which is not for the roads, it is called a “Road Fund Licence” and it is paying for permission to drive on the roads. The word “Drive” is legalese, as is Licence, and apply only to corporations and legal fictions. An MOT Inspection is not about vehicle safety, but it’s a Tax Inspection fee, the safety checks is just a cover, making you pay for maintaining your vehicle, but the MOT Fee is actually a Tax inspection fee. A Driving Licence is the licence needed to use government property, as is the licence plate, but again, they apply only to corporations and legalese. The fact that you were NOT given informed consent makes the entire registration process of entrapment totally null and void and all monies from the deception, even from years back, has to be repaid. Of course it isn’t as easy as this as the Police and the DVLA, and Courts use threat, intimidation, coercion, and in some cases violence to enforce this criminal act of widespread fraud.

The Magna Carta does not apply to Legislation aka Corporate Law aka Law of Commerce. However, Common Law rules over every living man/woman, so you must not contract with the corporation or give joinder. However, it is easier said that done as we are indeed coerced, bullied, threatened and intimidated to comply with this fraudulent scam.

The answer is to “Deregister” your vehicle. The DVLA will use ways to prevent the taking back of ownership of the vehicle by cancelling the contract. However, it is all based on consent, and in law of commerce all contracts must be renewed annually. So the DVLA legally cannot refuse return of ownership. If they do then you must ask for the name of the person who is denying this and put the burden of proof on them by asking them to provide proof that you cannot deregister the vehicle. Remember, we are the Guarantor of the trust, so you ask for the name of the person at the DVLA who claims ownership of your trust. Nobody at the DVLA will do that as it would be fraudulent and will expose their scam as no informed consent was ever given.

The “Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin” is YOUR property when your purchased the vehicle, so you must get it back from the DVLA, as it forms the basis of your trust and its value is the original price for what you paid for the car, irrespective of what the car may be worth today. It is a document that is similar to a deed. It is often the case where the DVLA say they have destroyed the “Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin” but this is a bare-faced lie. The old V5 registration document stated that we had ownership of the car, but we gave legal control of it to the DVLA. The newer V5 registration document made us the registered keeper! The DVLA had billions of these “Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin”, each one being someone’s “trust”, all without their knowledge! The truth is Gordon Brown sold them all to prop up the GDP of the Corporation.

The fact is we the people have NO debt, because everything was pre-paid for out of our Cestui Que Vie Trust (CQV Trust), and this is tied to our Birth Certificates that have been traded on the Stock Exchange since the day of it being issued, making us not only a corporation or legal fiction, but it made us a bonded slave!

With a mortgage, if the lending bank forecloses then we keep the property AND we get refunded every single mortgage payment as it was the bank that defaulted. The word “repayment mortgage” is EXACTLY what it is, you are RE-paying the money (from your CQV Trust) twice, and with interest! The bank loaned you nothing, but it profits from simply issuing debt, using your CQV Trust fund as collateral.

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