Puppies surrendered at the shelter because of their mange with lots of love they got a better life

6 years ago

puppies surrendered at the shelter because of their mange with lots of love they got a better life
Freckles the dog was set to be euthanized so Barbara Zuluaga went to a city shelter to rescue a dog.
Before she leaving with Freckles, Zuluaga took a quick walk through the kennel area, she spotted two puppies who desperately needed her help.
they were just covered in horrible mange.
Mange is a contagious condition that’s caused by mites that burrow into a dog’s skin, and these two puppies had it pretty bad.
Their former owner had surrendered them at the shelter because of their mange.
Zuluaga knew she couldn’t leave without these puppies, whom she named Mango and Chilli.
she decided to take them home with her, to foster them herself until they got better.
They had skin infections from the mange and they got upper respiratory infections.
Mango and Chilli were also suffering from malnutrition, which had weakened their bones, causing their legs to bow.
In just five weeks, they more than doubled in size and all their hair grew back.
Mango, now named Moose, lives with Sara Weinrich, her other dog Roxie and cat Ziggy.
Chilli was a birthday present for James Wisniewski’s son, who absolutely adores him.
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