Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies: CDT 10 Minute Testimonies: Episode 10

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Tooth abscess cured with chlorine dioxide.

Child asthma improved with Chlorine Dioxide Solution

COVID vaccine adverse effects disappear using chlorine dioxide.

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At Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies we provide simple solutions and then we share these powerful Testimonies.

If you would like to share your testimony be sure to message me on telegram @YouTubeTerminated or email me @ Donate to Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies ⬇️ Join CDT Live Audio Chat for free:

Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and other God given resources to detox your temple. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram to ask your questions live on the Friday Live CDT Audio Chat starting at 5 PM CST or just listen in on Rumble.

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