Article 4866 Video - It's More Complex Than You Think - Friday, June 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4866 Video - It's More Complex Than You Think - Friday, June 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Now we've got yet another fru-fru-rah confusion brewing. The Virginia Assembly Credit Union is NOT to be confused with our American Prosperity Unions.

And for that matter, it isn't to be confused with our Virginia Assembly.

Just because something is unincorporated doesn't mean it's operating on the land and soil and just because something is called "Virginia Assembly" doesn't mean it's our Virginia Assembly.

It could mean "Virginia District Assembly" or "Virginia Municipal Assembly" too, couldn't it?

And in this case, it does.

VACU is an effort to save the bacon of other fellow Americans who are still stuck for one reason or another acting as either U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States or both.

Supporting it is an outreach to give them a gateway to the new financial system, so that they are not left behind.

Our active duty service members and postal clerks who were born in this country are still Americans, and they still individually deserve the protections and benefits of being Americans.

It's not their fault that they are on the wrong side of the fence; someone has to be, in order for the services we all depend upon to keep functioning.

So the "assembly" being referenced is the District Assembly and as you can see, the "pledge bond" being circulated is straight out of Britain.

The Brits continue the feudal practice of "pledging" which as I pointed out can be of one or two kinds --- either a negotiable "pledge" or a non-negotiable "pledge".

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