TOUR OF LTMB CHANNEL CONTENT - updated June 11, 2024

8 months ago

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TOUR OF LTMB CHANNEL CONTENT - updated June 11, 2024

ENG-Anon: “Arthur Koestler - The Zealot” by Christopher Hitchens - I read out the Hitchens essay - set to images

ENG-Anon - “#002 - USD Crash, ET’s, 3D to 5D…. Events convergence” - LTMB Editorial (News Bulletin with Commentary) - set to images

ENG-Anon - “#001 - Trump, Artemis, ET’s - Dismantling old systems, new skyward hopes” - LTMB Editorial (News Bulletin with Commentary) - set to images

ENG-Anon “Symphony No. 9 - ‘New World’ Symphony” by Antonin Dvorak - I play a 1950’s London Symphony Orchestra version of this famous work

#008 3 Days of Darkness Response and Commentary DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I read out some responses and commentary about questions that were posed after #007

#007 3D to 5D Equals the reversal of the Earth’s rotation CRITRICAL DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I read out a Disclosure from the Urmah / Lyrians / Felines about how Earth’s shift from 3D to 5D will take place; recommended listening re “Three Days of Darkness!”

#006 Disclosure will be by ET’s, not the military, so do your part! DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I read out Ashtar Sheran Disclosure document from May 24, 2024 regarding the source of Disclosure that was received as a result of my prayer two days earlier

Stop calling for the extermination of Jews - A shocking realization by ENG-Anon - I discuss why I removed my first ever LTMB from my channel (new first interview will be posted)

#005 Went off the Wagon…. And the DEMONS reappeared DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I discuss spiritual experience that proved the dangers of alcohol and confirmed #004

#004 Alcohol is a Poison, A Drug: Pleiadians DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I read out information received from Pleaidians about the dangers of alcohol, both physical and spiritual

#003 Ships in the Sky, Eyewitness DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I discuss my experience of seeing a discoidal ET ship unconceal itself, near my home

#002 A Starseed, Who Travels Highways (as well as the Astral) DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I discuss my experiential spiritual life since 1998

#001 Fico "Assassination" Incident ANALYSIS by ENG-Anon

ENG-Anon “The Impious Piper” (IN CZECH) - reposting of the song of the same name as sung by Czech singer Valdemar Matuska

ENG-Anon: “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen - I read out the Owen poem

ENG-Anon: “The Female of the Species” by Rudyard Kipling - I read out the Kipling poem

ENG-Anon: “Death, be not proud” by John Donne - I read out the Donne poem

ENG-Anon on TRUTH-A-THON 2024 hosted by Lewis Herms, Bruce Poppy and Robert Imbriale

ENG-Anon with Lewis Herms - Spiritual and Situational Awareness - Interview with Lewis Herms (apologies for technical difficulties)

ENG-Anon - Important Bulletin May 12, 2024 - Comments on the Coronal Mass Ejection Event and how it is a natural phenomenon NOT HAARP

ENG-Anon - SLIDESHOW Photos of Coronal Mass Ejections May 10, 2024 interacting with ionosphere; set to music by Supertramp

#001 Q and the Intergalactic Federation DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon - I discuss how the world’s 33 militaries could not have formed the White Hats without ET’s

ENG-Anon: “If” by Rudyard Kipling - I read out the Kipling poem

ENG-Anon: “Rubaiyyat” by Omar Khayyam - I read out selected verses of the Khayyam poem (as translated by Richard Le Galienne)

ENG-Anon: Comments on Rogan-Carlson interview - I opine on the significance of what was discussed (spiritual war, good vs evil, ET’s) and now these topics have been broached for the masses

ENG-Anon: “How a Generation Lost its Common Culture” by Patrick Deneen - I read out the Deneen essay

ENG-Anon: “Jefferson Versus the Barbary Pirates” by Christopher Hitchens - I read out the Hitchens essay

ENG-Anon - Important Bulletin April 14, 2024 - Klaus Schwab “arrest” and hospitalization; incorrect prediction about Trump addressing nation

ENG-Anon with Charlie Ward - Baltimore Bridge Collapse Discussion

ENG-Anon with Michael Jaco - Baltimore Bridge Collapse Discussion

ENG-Anon with Lewis Herms - Baltimore Bridge Collapse Discussion

ENG-Anon with AJ Roberts - ABRIDGED 9/11 Discussion

ENG-Anon with Charlie Ward - ABRIDGED 9/11 Discussion

ENG-Anon with Michael Jaco - Part 3 of 3 - DEW as part of Total Collapse Hypothesis

ENG-Anon with Michael Jaco - Part 2 of 3 - Twin Towers

ENG-Anon with Michael Jaco - Part 1 of 3 - WTC 7

Introduction to LTMB:
INTRO video

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