AS I SAID MD HAS GONE REC ON DABS - HOWEVER without Terpenes, entrepreneurs can't stand out.

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I wasn't wrong about the rollout of recreational Dabs, but I say again, they are sufficing the masses in order to take over this entire thing. And it's working, there's very few of those like myself who are openly speaking up about seeing an Open Free Real legal cannabis Market. Not one blockaded by a $125,000 fee, and IDGAF what other state charges this or that. When million and millions in taxes are made, billions in revenue, yet these major corporations want to bucket about maintaining non competes, the individual companies there's a handful of good ones, but they're also operating on the market controlled by these "elite" who have just made themselves a fresh July 1 by selling rec concentrates. My dispensaries Menue was EMPTY TODAY 5 PRODUCTS 3 WERE RSO. . . . NATURALLY BC PPL R SHEEP EN MASS. . . .
NOT You THOUGH, I JUST WIANT CANNABIS TO NOT BE BARRICADED BY BAD ACTORS, LIKE THE CEO OF Trulieve or CEO of Culta, who are both IMO not good ppl and they're advocating for cannabis in Maryland, as the business partner of Kim corruptale.sits in federal prison for three years for public curruption related to tye founding of Trulieve

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