Nancy Pelosi Takes Responsibility for January 6th, “I Take Responsibility”

8 months ago

Americans, who simply exercised their rights protected under the First Amendment by protesting a fraudulent election in 2020, were entrapped, lied about, and imprisoned for this woman’s crimes. New video footage now has her confessing to treason against the people of the united States, stating that she took responsibility, which she really doesn’t or she would step down and turn herself in for her actions. She should be immediately arrested, given due process, sentenced and real justice be executed on her own head, as well as anyone who had anything to do with it, but this will only come when the People have the mindset of justice instead of political wrangling.

“I take responsibility” for the absence of the National Guard at the Capitol on January 6, is what Pelosi is communicating. But she really doesn’t take responsibility. They are merely words.

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