80-90% of COVID deaths are a fraud, says John Beaudoin, Sr

9 months ago

"COVID, as I've proven in my book and in the CDC Memorandum, a second publication, 80% to 90% of the COVID deaths are fraud. "They were drug overdoses and car accidents, and they were a bunch of old people dying out of neglect and being mistreated by hospitals, [they] weren't given antibiotics when they had a bacterial infection in their lungs. "These things all combined through a coercion of doctors from the American Board of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, the state licensing boards, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the NIH, FDA, CDC, all said the same thing: you will use this protocol or we're going to suspend your license. "You can find that on the web. The letter is still there. "It's a joint statement by the CEO's of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the other two I mentioned. "With regard to all of the hospital protocols, I call it murder because at some level, somebody knew what they were doing. "More than half a million people killed by hospital protocols. "Another half a million killed by what they call a vaccine [COVID vaccine]. "I have all the data. I can show it. "I now have 1.4 million un-redacted, non-redacted death certificates. "That represents 5% of the US population. "It's the biggest study, biggest database ever in anything COVID."

The full 49-minute interview of John Beaudoin, Sr, done by Randy Bock, MD, posted on 17 April 2024 is posted on "X" here:


John Paul Beaudoin, Sr is the author of the book "The Real CDC: Covid Facts for Regular People",

and of the book "The CDC Memorandum: Notice of Criminal Liability".

John Beaudoin, Sr's website with his two books is here:



The Preface of "The Real CdC"

DECEMBER 20, 2023

This book is for anyone open to truth. Cut through all the BS from both sides of covid and vaccine issues. Become informed in order to make your own decisions. Your life may depend on it.

Learn facts derived from official record-level source data (RLSD) not published elsewhere. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments publish data that is not capable of being collated across variables. Only source data at the record-level can be easily analyzed for important changes at the margins. What happened? When? To whom? The answers are in this book.

If you believe covid vaccines work or don’t work, read this book. Learn not the opinions of biased researchers beholding to their funding sources. Learn rigorous truth irrespective of your own or others’ preconceptions.

The word externality appears often throughout this book. In this context, externality means an input or condition that interrupts the normalcy of a system. Examples are a new pathogen, a new government policy, or a new drug administered en masse.

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