Happy Birthday President Trump thank you for bringing us back to GOD

8 months ago

“The Future Belongs to The People” …President Trump Pt 2



"Faith is more powerful than government, and NOTHING is more powerful than God."

- Donald J Trump

Trump is a soul a man of God and he is Love and soon all of you will feel his LOVE striving for greater humanity.

Ron Thomson on TRUMP I can’t spare this man He fights for America!

As you have witnessed the more the ZIOPIGS destroy him the higher he will go and he raised $52.8 million that has skyrocketed to $200 million, with $70 million of it from small donors after a Manhattan jury delivered a guilty verdict in his hush-money trial.




This is what real love looks like

US Presidential Elections 2024 | Trump Rally In Las Vegas Live | Donald Trump News

Crowd chants 'Happy Birthday' to Donald Trump in Nevada

Donald Trump is a member of the ‘No Sleep’ team


Trump Enters The LIONS DEN! - Goes Where No Republican Candidate Has Gone Before

I am a libertarian; I'll be voting for Trump. The Libertarian party is just stupid.

Same HERE. I will vote for Trump. As a Republican Libertarian; Trump is the Populist Leader who got strong leadership to protecting our Constitution and keeping us out of foreign affairs


“To Free your mind is to Free your soul." – Sunflower Chong Sun Wah

My spiritual journey is to manifest the presence of God to enlighten my fellowmen that money is not the power but the love of God is the real power. When you hear me or read my books you can feel the presence of God this means I have not failed God. This is the magic of God's power and people with the consciousness can feel it immediately. In short, when you know how to catch the FLOW WAVE or THETA WAVE, in tapping into your intuition or 3rd eye https://thegeniuswave.com/DSvsl/ you can achieve the impossible but I call it the magic power of ‘GOD WAVE’.

When you read my book Sharing My Vision of Architecture https://payhip.com/b/ (Slut Miriam and her gang of bitches have HACKED the site with unkind words.) you can feel the ‘God Wave’ flowing in me and I am not an architect by profession but a Visionary.



Judy Note: Five months before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy (the original Q) issued an executive order that would give the American currency back to The People by printing money based on a Silver Standard, taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. Many argue this was the reason that JFK was assassinated.


Q PREDICTIONS: POPE having TERRIBLE MAY; Those who backed him will be PUSHED into the LIGHT; VIGANO LETTER to TRUMP; TRUTH. Q

June 29, 2020

For the first time, the United States has in you a president who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship. Your participation in the March for life, and more recently your proclamation of the month of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, are actions that confirm which side you wish to fight on. And I dare to believe that both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons.


All Evidence of Military Special Ops Protecting Donald J Trump, the True Commander in Chief

President Donald J Trump emerges as a titan among men, a figure whose altruism knows no bounds. In sacrificing his opulent lifestyle, he embarked upon a noble quest to vanquish evil and safeguard humanity’s future. Yet, for his valiant efforts, he faced scorn and derision from those blinded by their own prejudices.

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