How Avoiding Heavily Processed Foods WILL Help You Make Progress | Mind Pump 2356

8 months ago

Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the MOST effective steps you can take to improve your health is to AVOID heavily processed foods. (2:35)
Is lab-grown meat keeping us obese? (16:20)
Hair loss by ethnicity. (21:53)
Aspirin is shown to reduce cancer risk. (30:24)
Fauci on the hot seat. (34:11)
Pitching Caldera to your tough guy friends. (40:53)
Dad hacks. (43:30)
Lions, cats, bobcats, oh my! (47:16)
Emerging science tech with Mind Pump: The third thumb and Hypershell AI exosuit. (50:50)
Conspiracy theory corner with Mind Pump. (54:45)
Shout out to Mind Pump Live! (57:52)
#ListenerLive question #1 - Being that I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, what kind of programming and exercises would you recommend doing? (58:55)
#ListenerLive question #2 - How do I balance increased training demand with a job that requires me to be extremely active? (1:11:56)
#ListenerLive question #3 - Should I be concerned about having high cholesterol? (1:23:41)
#ListenerLive question #4 - Can you explain why when I had the cardio/strength combo work before, I was lean and strong? (1:38:16)
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EXCLUSIVE Ultra-processed foods do NOT cause obesity, says US government's top diet advisors in bombshell review of current evidence: 'Studies have been biased'

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Lab-Grown Meat Has a Big Problem Very Few People Know About

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The Third Thumb

Hypershell AI exosuit

See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details.

3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar

Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps To Bounce Back From Overtraining

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Why Cardio Is TERRIBLE For Long-Term Fat Loss – YouTube


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Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube

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People Mentioned
Gary Brecka (@garybrecka) Instagram
Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram
Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram
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