3D Review: Treasure of the Four Crowns (1983) Did this movie inspire Zelda?

8 months ago

Call of the 80s...

Treasure of the Four Crowns

If there is a prize for being the most 3D "3D movie" ever this is it. A jaw-dropping, amazing, bull in a china shop, shards flying everywhere explosion of 3D. It is insane.

Something of a holy grail for 3D collectors. This is state of the art 80s 3D being put through all possible scenarios. That fact that it is now readily available thanks to the combination of Kino Lorber and the 3D archive should be given applause. It is too easy to take for granted the efforts of these small organizations. If not for the efforts of this relatively small circle of professionals we'd be reading about this movie instead of enjoying it as intended.

I also wonder if its influence reaches a bit further than its given credit for. Did some young designers at Nintendo happen to see this when it came out?

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