UnchartedX Interviews Christopher Dunn - Ancient High Technology Around The World - Year 2020

8 months ago

Christopher Dunn is an engineer and author, with an extensive background as a craftsman. He has nearly 50 years experience working at every level of high tech and precision manufacturing in the laser and aerospace industries.

Chris has authored two books that investigate the evidence for ancient technology that is contained in in the structures and objects from our distant past. I think that these books, 1998s 'the giza power plant' and 2010's 'Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt' should be recognized as amongst the most important and pivotal works on ancient civilizations in our time.

This podcast was a real treat for Ben, and he sincerely thanks Chris for granting some of his time. They cover a lot of topics in their talk, and Ben added video and images in spots to help illustrate some points, and hopes you enjoy the discussion!

Mirrored from 'UnchartedX':

Chris Dunn's website:

Chris Dunn's Website Links :
Nobody is always 100% correct, nor are they always 100% wrong. Humans are complex entities with complex brains with thought patterns that lead in directions that are unique.

This page provides links to websites that provide information, some of which you might agree and some that you may not. If this is true, then you are like me.

The maxim I learned at my father’s knee was, “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see!” Take what is valuable to you and be tolerant of what is not.

Michael Cremo www.mcremo.com
Stephen Mehler http://www.gizapyramid.com/Stephen%20Mehler.htm
Robert Schoch http://www.robertschoch.com
John Desalvo www.gizapyramid.com
John Anthony West www.jawest.com
Graham Hancock www.grahamhancock.com
Robert Bauval www.robertbauval.co.uk
Colin Wilson www.colinwilsonworld.co.uk
The Daily Grail www.dailygrail.com
Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, Ph.D. http://inerton.cjb.net
David Hatcher Childress www.wexclub.com
Coral Castle www.coralcastle.com

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