(2 of 3) 50 Days from First-fruits to Pentecost (Shavuot) Prophetic Feasts Counting the Omer from the Sabbath after First Fruits to Shavuot & Grain offering

8 months ago

1 of 3 Abib (Nisan)The actual Israelite New Year.Passover ? calculated from ? Barley ripe or unripe, when or why should it be ripe ? (Matthew 12:1) https://rumble.com/v4qx2eo-abib.html

Original Video (which does touch on the count from the sabbath AFTER) from the ministry "firstfruits" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr-o0zp7tBw The heretical Non Christian Feasts of Christmas and Easter are followed from Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits into Shavuot 49 - 50 days later. In the interim everyday we are to count but from when exactly ?

Leviticus 23, 15 - 16 says "15 “You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. 16 You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the Lord"

Therefore if First Fruits ends on a Wednesday we WAIT until the next Sabbath saturday and begin to count from the next day not the end of first fruits.We count 7 Sabbaths & 7 weeks AFTER first fruits ends waiting until the next Sabath and the day following. Shavuot has no fixed day as "Shivan 6"

Yet it was 49 days from leaving Egypt in the EXODUS & RED SEA until the tribes of Israel received the law at Sinai / Horeb, during which time the Israelites grew in maturity by counting and pondering everything that had happend or may happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EceadkmwyC4 For OMER & SHAVUOT RARELY EXPLAINED In Jewish tradition, we count 49 days,7 weeks of 7 days between Passover, when we remember what it was like for us to be slaves in Egypt (with 49 days to ponder and mature) & Shavuot, when we celebrate receiving the wisdom of Torah at Mount Sinai / Horeb BUT IT ALSO HAS FUTURE phrophecy as the 7 x 7 & Millennium (7 x 1000 years see previous post in )until 1948 as Ephraim & Judah both houses of Israel & the Birth of Israel & the tribulation https://jewishjournal.com/judaism/171357/from-egypt-to-sinai-in-49-days/

It is accepted (but not by all that First Fruits ended on April 4th see the Messianic Light https://messianiclight.com/2021-feast-dates/

Yet this was the end of Sabbath (as some people say it ended on the 3rd https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/?country=34), so following Levitucs 23, 15 - 16, the next Sabbath would be on the 10.04.2021 and we begin counting from the 11.04. 2021. Also note in the Messianic light that there are two dates for the end of FIRSTFRUITS as "March 29 or April 4, 2021" and also therefore the Beginning of Shavuot as "May 17 or May 23, 2021" If we follow Leviticus 23, 15 - 16 Shavuot 49/50 days later would be the 23.05.2021 (not the 16/17th of May) If we accept the 29th March as the day of the end of firstfruits then Shavuot would as in the Messianci light https://messianiclight.com/2021-feast-dates/ but counting from the next Sabbath after 29.03.2021 which is the 3.4.2021 and the next day 4.4.2021 making Shavuot the May 17 2021

It is also Kings Davids birthday and the day that he died.

Also on bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/JrjVgqTsajg0/

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