Colt LE6945 CQB review #Colt #AR15 #le6945 #Mk18

9 months ago

Review and complete overview of the Colt LE6945CQB. This is Colt evolved Mk18 using 10.3" barrel on a monolithic upper receiver. The monolithic upper in turn uses a free floating rail that allows the barrel and gas tube to free float as well. This increases accuracy of the firearm as well as cool the barrel gas block quicker. It allows helps to reduce the heat transfer to the handguard / rails itself. The handguard allows has upper and lower heat shields to deflect the heat from the rails protecting one's hands. The Colt LE6940 series of weapons incorporates a distinctive flip up / flip down front sight gas block combo. It's an awesome features for optics and still maintains that F-height front sight for use with graduated military back up iron sights like MaTech or KAC BUIS. The flip up / flip down front sight also gives this Colt LE6940 series a distinctive look.

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