20/20 2020 Prophecy - 10 days of Awe & ABOMINATION of DESOLATION

9 months ago

Eschatological interpretation theory. Recorded approximately 8 months ago, if not closer to 9, places this around Oct.-Nov. 2023. One must understand the Hebrew / Torah practices. In this case, Sukkoth / Tabernacles or Booths Festival. A sacred convocation (rehearsal for future events, prophetically foreshadowed). Interesting, in hindsight 20/20 vision, that in 2005 he predicted something was going to happen, setting off this time period. Then he surprises Nehemia (Nay-him-ee-yah) with the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION revelation. (This is something that Nehemia might now be chomping at the bits to more fully reveal, as he has alluded to something he can't quite do, yet, recently, for whatever reason of spiritual responsibility. Perhaps, this is it?)

The only insight that I possess is that of a sort of a literally underground "temple", already present. This is a repost, better done than the first.
It skips through some casual conversation, omits the intro, and includes closed captions. Source: Nehemia's Wall (YouTube channel). < https://www.youtube.com/@Nehemiaswall/videos >
Title: [ Blood Moon and Ten Years of Impending Cataclysm ]

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