34 DEADPAN SOL Stellar Harmonics

9 months ago

In the heart of the Manor, dimensions converge,
Enigma Machine hums creative surge,
Connected to the UNIVERSE, profound KNOWLEDGE.
Deadpan rescued from CAVERN's PLIGHT!
Energy pulses, life anew!
Cosmic threads guide the mystery,
The MAGICK's (Homophone: MAGI, magic, magics, magix [URBAN]), GUIDE,
The journey we pursue!

(Verse 2)
In the heart of the Manor, dimensions converge,
E-nigma Machine hums creative surge,
Connected to the UNIVERSE,
Deadpan rescued from CAVERN's PLIGHT!
Ener-gy pulses, life anew!
In the heart of the Manor, di-mensions converge,
Enigma Machine hums creative surge,
Connected to the UNIVERSE,
Profound KNOW-LEDGE.

Family's endless love,
Tunes tight!
Deadpan rescued from battle's fight!
Beats from Deadpan's heart!
Life's renewed!
Forever pursue!

"Suddenly a hit,"
"One on three,"
"VJ, cinétique"

(Homophone: hit-hint, VJ- Video Jockey, Vijay- Sanskrit 'victory or conquer', Veegay, Vega' kinetic- [Arabic the swooping eagle], Vigay- empowerment, originality and forgiveness, possibly Teluga origin and means "Proud and hard working")


Audacity, Cakewalk, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, LoopMIDI, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Samsung, Soundfonts, Suno, Synthfont, SyFonOne, Udio, Viena, VirtualMIDISyth, You.com, YouTube.

Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.

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