8 months ago

HENRY FORD DOCUMENTARY: The Crazy True Story of Henry Ford.
Henry Ford built a business empire, and completely revolutionized not just the car industry, but business as we know it. He pioneered assembly line production, the five day work week, and countless more innovations. But this is certainly not a straightforward success story. Henry Ford’s life is wrapped in controversy, failures, and obsessive genius. We’ll not only look at Henry Ford’s astonishing rise, but also his lesser known projects, like the time he tried to build his own weird American town called Fordlandia, in the heart of the Brazilian rainforest. We’ll also look at the very dark truth about Henry Ford, and why one of his biggest fans was Adolf Hitler. This is a business story of innovation and success - a brutal struggle for wealth and power. This is the shocking true story of Henry Ford, and the history of The Ford Motor Company.

Welcome to this MagnatesMedia Henry Ford documentary / Henry Ford Movie, telling the story of Henry Ford. looking at: how did Henry Ford get started? What was Henry Ford’s inspiration for assembly line mass production? And what is the darker side of Henry Ford’s biography? In this MagnatesMedia business documentary, you’ll get the full Ford history, and the story of Henry Ford’s rise. On MagnatesMedia you’ll also find videos I’ve made about Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, and other magnates / business titans of industry - including business stories about huge modern day companies too. #Business #Documentary #HenryFord #Ford #FordMotorCompany #Magnates #Businesses #Movie

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