Ephesians 1:7-10 "By the Grace of God" 6/9/24

7 months ago

Paul uses a unique perspective as he writes about our salvation in Christ.
He doesn’t write from a theological perspective; he writes it from a heavenly perspective, from God’s perspective.
We must remember as we unpack this letter…that it isn’t about our blessings but about the source of those blessings.
God the Father (our Father) has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
Please note that the blessings Paul will write about are only for us; they are only for those who are in Christ.
There are blessings that all enjoy, as we know that it rains on the just and the unjust.
But these blessings, every spiritual blessing, are for believers only because they come to us from God through our faith in Jesus via the Holy Spirit.
The reason Paul calls them blessings in the heavenly places is because he wants to realign our focus.
He wants us to take our focus off this temporary dwelling place and get our focus on our home, heaven.

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