Invite God Into Your Fitness Journey

7 months ago

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1 Corinthians 10:31 states, “So whether we eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”. But the question I want to propose to you is: Do I include my fitness/working out as part of the “whatever you do” section? It is so easy for us as men to just compartmentalize our lives, keep our faith over here, work over here, and fitness, friends and finances somewhere else. But as a mentor of mine once told me...

Instead of faith and our relationship with Christ being on our list of things to do, our faith should be the paper on which we write our list.

It is so easy for me to go to the gym and work out, and say “this is my time.” This is my time to destress from work, get a break from my family, etc. That can all be helpful and healthy. But what does it look like to change that mindset of how you approach your fitness?

Instead, now I try to think of my time at the gym as stewardship.

As mentioned last week, our bodies are gifts from God, and my time at the gym, what I eat, how I sleep are all part of ways of glorifying God by stewarding the gifts God has blessed me with. This is not to put more pressure on us or make us feel like we need to earn something, but rather, we should feel warmed that our heavenly Father cares about what we are doing and wants us to turn to Him and invite Him into every aspect of our lives. Luke 12:6-7 reads, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” In this passage God shows, that he doesn’t just know about us a little bit, or sometimes we are seen by Him, but He knows every last detail about us. He watches us intently, with love and a deep sense of pride in His creation. You.

What if we looked at Him, who made our bodies, with the same reverence and awe, and invited him into our fitness and fully recognize that the bodies God has entrusted us with are part of showing His glory.

We would love to help equip you for this journey, reach out to us today and let us be a resource for you!

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